
School Facilities

The school facilities is much more than a passive container oh the educational process. Here mantioned below some facilities in oue school.


The open area with a hard surface just outside of school building, here the school children can play and do other activities.

Smart Class

Smart classes combined with the internet open the door to the vast world of online study materials. This classes will help the students to improve their better skill.


Shree Krishna Academy, organizes a Medical check-up camp for the improvement of the health of students. This campus is organizes inside the school premises.

Educational Trip

Educational Tour can helps students develop both on an academic and personal level. So, school authorites organize this trip once a year.

From the Desk of Principal

Shree Krishna Academy is an innovative school makes use of the talents and skills of staff, students and Parents to Provide a wide range of educational programmes and projects.

With a long and rewarding history of achievement in our school committee continues To move forward to gather with confidence, pride and Enthusiasm. I hope you enjoy your visit to the website.

- Suman Patra

Learn More About Our Work And Our Cultural Activities

Our schools Cultural Programmes are held in the auditorium with annual prize in given every year an on overall activities of our students. Small gifts are awarded every month in the presence of parents for good beheaviour and better skills. Educational materials are also provided to the needy students.

Enroll Last 5 Student!

Here are the names and classes of the last five admitted students.

Become A Teacher

It can helps you achieve your gols to the best of your ability. That is a good chance that you may be speding more walking hours with our children. So, fill this formate with proper proofs.

Get Started Now

Our Classes

Schools teach us how to be consistent, punctual and obedeient. Our school has classes from Play group to Class-II. Here are classes mentioned bellow

Others Activity

Shree Krishna Academy organizes others activities for every students all over improvement in every Saturday and Sunday. That will help your children to develop their social skills and increase self development.

Student Admission Inquery

Our Managing Commettee

School managing body is a form up communaty interaction and in involvement in school functioning. Main role of the school managing body is monator the working of the school prepare and recommend school development plan.

Suman Patra


Anupam Ghosh


Subhan Das


Our Parents Say!

Here are mentioned below some comments of our children parents.